State of the Union: Membership

It has been four years since “Right to Work” legislation was signed into law in Michigan. Fortunately for the NMU-AAUP, our membership has remained quite strong in the face of this effort to break unions in Michigan and other states. The overall percentage of union participation in the NMU-AAUP is 91.6 when considering all ranks (319 out of 348 faculty members). Contingent faculty had the lowest rate of participation at 82%, while instructors had the highest rate of participation at 100%. The following chart breaks down the total number of NMU faculty by union membership and rank.


Ninety-four percent of all full-time NMU faculty members are currently dues paying members of the NMU-AAUP. While this is quite good, we certainly would like to see that percentage increase to 100.

To review a list of all NMU-AAUP members as of November 27, please click here. If you are not on this list, and you are a dues paying member, please contact the NMU-AAUP office at 227-1602 so we can update the list.

The pie chart below offers a quick profile of our current membership by rank.
