The NMU-AAUP/AFT 6761 supports faculty through contract negotiation and enforcement which promotes fairness and shared governance while providing an environment that allows faculty to have successful, rewarding careers.

Northern Michigan University’s American Association of University Professors and the American Federation of Teachers (AAUP-AFT) mission ensures academic freedom and oversees faculty working conditions, wages, and shared governance. We are the local of our national AAUP, located in Washington D.C. and the local of our AFT national, headquartered in Detroit, Michigan.
In 1915, academic faculty and professionals organized the AAUP as a response to efforts trying to control academic freedom and intellectual property. The AAUP assiduously promotes and guard’s tenure as this principle is a hallmark of discipline inquiry and discovery. Similarly, the AFT organized in 1916, during the labor struggles in the Progressive Period. It’s initial and continual mission promotes tenure, academic freedom, workplace conditions, and staunchly endorses human and civil rights.
The NMU-AAUP/AFT dues rate is one of the lowest deductions in the nation. Dues pay for services that ensure due process is upheld for all faculty members represented by the union. Dues pay for legal assistance when needed and provide modest stipends for union officers, the negotiation team, office personnel, legal counsel, and other expenditures. The union leadership are fellow faculty, employees, and outside assistance who work on your behalf and under faculty direction and oversight.
Your union is a source of information on matters that affect you. We monitor national and state trends that impact the workplace. We network with other labor unions on issues that affect working families, community, and fairness in the workplace. We are union strong!